We are going to write and preform a RAP, when we wrap your gifts
Hello everyone.
Please see personal messages from Téa and Belle about next Saturday and your purchase :)

We are really excited as next Saturday Belle and Sally are coming to Canberra with all the Téa&Belle products and we are going to have a working bee and pack and send all your gifts.
It is going to be a super fun day and Dad says we can do Facebook Live so we can show everybody who has bought from us that we are doing the work.
Most of the products have arrived at Belle's house and I am so jealous as I really want to see them. Dad told me I need to be patient and told me that all the people who supported us have been really patient to get their presents so I have to be as well.
Thank you everyone and talk next saturday.
Téa Devow

Hi, I am Belle. My mum is making me write this to let you know that we are going to canberra next week so we can pack and send everyones products. I have my friend Lola here so i am going back to play.
I can't wait to see Téa and Sienna and wrap everyones gifts.
Love Belle